truck insurance

Reefer Breakdown Coverage

La cobertura contra averías de contenedores frigoríficos es un seguro diseñado para proporcionar protección y asistencia en caso de problemas con los contenedores utilizados para el transporte de productos perecederos. Las mejores compañías de seguros para camiones. ¿Qué cubre? La cobertura contra averías de contenedores refrigerados normalmente compensa la pérdida del flete debido a la […]
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Seguro de carga/ Cargo Insurance

El Seguro de Carga es el contrato acreditado por las compañías de seguros que brinda protección a las mercancías en tránsito ante riesgos y/o daños, robo y/o pérdidas durante su trayecto nacional e internacional (aéreo, marítimo, terrestre y/o multimodal).El objetivo es disminuir y trasladar la afectación al patrimonio del titular de la mercancía. Las mejores compañías de seguros para […]
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Understand the truck insurance coverage

Seguro de responsabilidad civil / Liability Coverage

La responsabilidad civil es la obligación que tienen las personas, empresas, comerciantes, profesionistas, etc. De la reparación o indemnización de daños y perjuicios provocados a terceros, esto se tenga un seguro o no. Es la cobertura obligatoria para cualquier tipo de negocio comercial, y se denomina póliza de responsabilidad civil. Tiene dos sub-coberturas que pagan […]
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Insuring Owner-Operators

Insuring Owner-Operators: A Comprehensive Guide

In the fast-paced world of trucking and transportation, owner-operators play a crucial role. These independent drivers own and operate their trucks, offering valuable services to various industries. However, like any business venture, owner-operators face unique challenges, including the need for adequate insurance coverage. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of insuring […]
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Types of truck insurance coverage

What are the different types of truck insurance coverage?

If you are a truck owner or involved in the trucking industry, it is crucial to understand truck insurance coverage. It provides financial protection against potential accidents, damages, or losses. Commercial trucks are exposed to various risks on the road, including collisions, theft, cargo damage, and third-party liabilities. Without adequate insurance coverage, these risks can […]
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Safe Winter Truck Driving

7 Winter Driving Tips for Truck Drivers

Even experienced truckers may find it difficult when the temperatures drop and snow or sleet begins to fall. Taking some safety measures and practicing your skills will make the icy conditions less dangerous, and you’ll arrive safely at your destination. Safety Tips for Winter Driving for Truck Drivers 1-Carry Emergency Supplies Pack some basic emergency […]
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VL 17 Insurance Agency

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